Friday, 10 August 2012


Hi folks,

Long time break…just got trap with my daily life…routine I would say..haha..

Today I am going to talk about friends.
There are many types of friends…what so called friend…the good one the bad one…
It’s about my youngest who was yesterday received friends to our home. As classmates I don’t think he has the power to say ‘no’ if they wanted to come over. Cut the story short, it happened where some of them were found drinking juice from our fridge. It’s not a big deal really but this is fasting month. My wife was complaining about my youngest friend’s attitude. It was not right for them to drink during ramadhan…they already in year 6, 12 years old! 
(read more about friend from FRIENDS)

I have the chance to talk to my son this morning, on the way to sending him to school. We were chatting about the yesterday’s incident. It is not the issue of not allowing his friend to come but more to what lesson he learnt from it. Now he realised that there are many types of friends..the good one and the ‘bad’ one…there are friends that we can get along all the time – what we called a ‘good’ friend…and there are also friends that we still can get along but not all the time – what we called a ‘bad’ friend.

I managed to bring one example about somebody that he knows very well. The discussion is about how that person always got problems in his schooling life – because of choosing ‘wrong’ friends. At the end of the day he was not that successful in his SPM -  and now lingering around with his ‘friend’ and looking for the best for his future. The point here is how we see our friend according to our expectation and bring out into perspectives. At least my son has learnt something today that not all friends like to see us successful in life – intentionally or untentionally!

Adios guys. That’s all for today. Hope this will give some thought to think about what so called friend.


See you again next time.

Bye for now.

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