Thursday, 18 October 2012


Hi folks,

We sometimes so eager in educating our children. Most of the time we anxiously expect our children to absorb, to practice and to grow up with what ever we have teaching them. Our expectation most of the time was clouded by our expectation without considering who is our children, what they are, how they learn, and so on.

If we look back to what being said by Piaget we know that children develop according to the stages. In this sense we really need to understand what stages our children are at. We don't need to be a psychologist to understand this but I would it is a basic requirement for everyone before they can become a parent. Without this I think we tend to impose if not forcing, the behaviours or attitudes to be practiced by our children.

My children for example, I can see the differennce between them. My eldest is a girl now age 18. My elder son is a boy and now age 14, and my youngest is a boy and he is 12. They are always be my inspiration in experiencing the parent's responsibility.

If I talk to my eldest something that little bit abstract, my youngest  will struggling to get what we were talking about. And my elder son although a bit struggle but managed to grasp the story clearly and even share the thought together. In the other way, when we were talking about something concrete and visible all of them can understand and start sharing experiences even share our laugh together.

Now I can talk something related to possibilities easily to my eldest one as well as to my elder son but still need some explanation and elaboration to my youngest. He still struggling to see the connection between being good in academic to getting a good job or a good pay in future. That is why in many occassion we need to 'push' him little bit to engage in his study which I noticed less to his brother. 

However, his logical thinking and associating was already appeared way back when he still five. He was saying "this pool will be like an ocean to this turtle". He was swimming in our small pool (pool that only at his waist depth which actually nor for swimming...hahaha) with his little turtle. He can associate the connection between the turtle size and the size of the pool. To him yes the pool is small, but not to his tiny little turtle....haha...I like the way he played with his turtle.

Anyway, the story above shows that children have a lot of potential to be explored both by him or by us as an adult. It just a matter of willingness and awareness of him and us to explore that. In his case it is me who need to recognise his potential at the first place before I can start guiding him recognising his potential. 

Well, it is fun though to be a parent...observing the children growing up. Everyday will be different because the perspectives are different. I love you are all my inspiration...sharing experience with you day by day make our life fruitful...always wish you all the best in what ever you guys are doing.

To all wish you happy educating....
Taste every bit of the challenges of bringing up our will see the difference...hahaha

Thank you...

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