Hi all...
In psychology we talked about personality which can be divided at least to two types - fluid and crystalised (according to one psychologist).
Allah SWT gives us with that and no doubt about it. I just wanted to share a very interesting incident which happened in the very in front of me.
Its about my friend (working at the same place). He is somebody that holding post. In his management I found that he always trying to assist his subordinates and the way he lead the department shows his concerned on the people whom he is managing more. He always put the staff above all.
It happened one day, he was driving right in front of me. He was little bit relax on his driving (perhaps that is his driving style) and for that he drove on the slow lane. This is very rare to see among Johorean drivers where they only driving on the left after being "asked" to - like being flashed light. But this guy was straight away moving to the left.
I do not know what is in his mind during that time but I guess he was doing what he think is right - giving way to other faster drivers. By driving slowly on the right lane is not only blocking other drivers but is also shows other related attitude such as selfish, stubborn, hardheaded and alike. This is to show how concern he is to other people. It is true then if we have such personality genuinely it will consistent anywhere in any situation.
Now, what we need to think of is that our attitude. Although the psychologist mention that the crystallised part is more difficult to amend but that's not necessarily cannot be changed at all. It is up to us though to think how it can be changed.
Like asking horses to drink, we can only bring them to the pond but we cannot force them to drink the water.
That's all for now.
Take care...
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