Monday, 22 July 2013


Hi folks,

It has been long I absence from writing.
Though it is not too late I presume to wish all Muslims a Happy Fasting of Ramadhan. May this year's Ramadhan will give more as compared to the previous one.

I felt disheartened again and again. And it happened everyday on my way to work.
People cutting ques without any conscience at all. Sometimes this is not good at all to myself - feeling sad everyday not because of me but by others, unfair is it. Being sad because of other people.

Actually we should understand that in terms of learning, this isn't very good. I think I have mentioned this many times - learning through example, as what has been practiced by Prophet PBUH. When people start thinking that they have been utilised, victimised, cheated, the tendency to overcome the problem by doing the same thing is higher. If this thing happened over and over again it will creates a piece of understanding to do the same thing in the heart. 

In other words we actually encouraging bad habits (in this example cutting the ques) among people. One day they will develop that intention and don't be surprise on the other day the man who always observing the rule by lining up in the ques will commit cutting ques. Because of the frustration of being cheated they finally doing the same thing as a source of personal satisfaction.

This is sad actually. Islam has clearly stated that even taking away sticks and twigs from the walking path is always be encouraged. But what have we did here is something away from that principles. We are not taking away anything but putting more problems on the street.

Imagine these connections is learned by the youngsters. Its going to be a never ending story. The road life will never be safe anymore. No fun at all for learning.

Just a thought....

Thank you.

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