Monday, 10 September 2012


Hi folks, Meet again... I wish you all have a very nice Hari Raya... I wish I am not late to wish you all happy Hari Raya and Maaf Zahir Bathin.

This time I would like to say about 'respect'. I have a chat with friends last Saturday about driving behaviour of the majority of the Malaysian motorists. As for information me right now are conducting study on accident proneness among Malaysian motorists (including me I guess haha...). Among the topic was on how the respectance attitude.

Nowadays we heard a lot about drivers who drove freely and without considering other people's feeling. And today, this morning again I saw several drivers, male and female, driving without considering other people's feeling, and unfortunately I was one of them...hahaha...As we know we are in hurry for various reasons every morning...rushing to work, taking kids to schools and many other things. It seems like cutting the line (the queue), jumping line as we like, driving slow, blocking the traffic flows and such becomes common feature of our driving life on the road.

We have been educated with lots of values, even in our religion desribe it clearly, but then the applications becomes alien and something unrelated to that. I still remember when I came back from the UK after completing my doctorate. Although I only been there for three and a half year, with lesson that I have learned back there I was anxiously tried to apllied it here. But suprising to me none of the driving style that I tried to do is working. Giving ways by flashing the light for instance has been understood differently. Here you may get bullied if you ignore the flashing light not like in the UK where flashing the light means giving the way.

Having said that quite interesting though not just to compare but to see the behaviour according to the local perspectives. If we look deeply, why people start flashing the light is related to both. The driver who flashing the light and also the other driver who sometimes blocking the traffic flows like driving slowly in the fast is pathetic.... Two issues that I have mentioned above clearly and slowly but certain become our common driving behaviour. We do know how much damage it can created....stress, disrespect, bullied...and I am not surprise if one day the people who got involve in this situations are relatives!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!hahaha...

The question here is that where does the problem starts, how, and the most critical parts is how do we dealing with that kind of situations. In our chatting we also discuss about the driving license application procedures. We tried to bring in two different perspectives - the UK and Malaysia.

As for now I just want to mention one very interesting issue - tha passing rate of the driving license application. In the UK people who are failed in the test is common but not in Malaysia. The issue here is that - the qualification to drive. If we know the applicants are not qualified to drive on the road why in certain situations we allow them to by giving the a license. It is us at the first place to get the blame.

I will come back to more interesting issues related to that as I see the situations as very much related to our life style not to mention learning process of the young ones. They actually learn through observing our behaviour..........

Thats all for now...happy driving and be safe...


1 comment:

  1. it seems that you are always caught in the middle of bad habit driver almost every morning. Sorry to hear that. Hope that Malaysian will improve their manners and emotion on the road.
